Student Solution


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Project Idea

Project Idea

Q Read the instructions carefully and do the best you can so you get the maximum feedback. Be sure to attach your references list in APA format so you get feedback on that as well. Now that you've been thinking about a topic of interest and started finding articles, I want you to spend some time more formally delving into it. You need to pick a specific, social science topic of interest. You'll be using this to generate a bibliography, identifying key variables, and constructing testable hypotheses. This topic can be pretty much anything under the sun as long as it's somehow social science in nature. To make sure you're on the correct track, you're to begin the first parts of articulating your interest and really considering the ideas and key variables that are core to a research question of your choosing. Important things to note: this doesn't need to be a full page of text, you're able to do this as an outline of sorts but you must hit every requirement listed on the instructions. The more information you give us, the more we can do to give you feedback, which will make the final project easier. Also, make sure that your sources are from peer-reviewed, academic journals (i.e. not newspapers, not magazine, not websites such as Pew Research; these are useful but don't fit this assignment). If you already have some, you can use those You are to write a one-page description of the research project you are proposing in this class. Remember, you will not be able to do the analysis to see results; you are just making a proposal. This does not have to be written as a complete page of text. You are more than welcome to structure it similar to an outline. BUT you need to make sure it contains the five items listed below! The purpose of the project you are proposing is: An investigation of the relationship between the DV and the three IVs. You do not need to list your hypotheses at this time, but you may if you wish to take an early stab at them. Requirements 1. Put your name at the top of the assignment (important) and save the file as Your Name Topic.docx 2. Type your topic at the top. Explain what you're interested in investigating and why you're interested in it. Make sure to note what makes it social in nature and what factors or variables you think are key to it (this aspect can come from experience as well as what you've read on it). 3. Once you’ve done this, please do the following 1. List your variables 1. Your dependent variable (DV) 2. Your three independent variables (IVs) 2. Write out three hypotheses (one for each IV with the DV) 3. Write a few sentences summarizing each journal article you’ve located. 1. Each article should relate to your DV and at least one IV. The articles themselves may reference more than one of your IVs; this is fine. but look at them and think: which one is the strongest for your interest (i.e. centers more emphatically, makes a stronger case, etc.). 4. Include an APA formatted reference list with your three articles. 1. Note: the references start on their own page with the word “References” centered and bolded. PreviousNext

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Domestic violence is a major cause of incapacitation and mortality among couples across the world. Being hurt by an intimate partner or spouse is a confusing and traumatizing experience. It is estimated that more than 10 million adults in the U.S. experience abuse by their romantic or intimate partners every year (Abramsky et al., 2011). Domestic violence can be sexual, physical, verbal, economic, control, and emotional. Experiences of domestic violence have significant negative impacts on a person’s physical and emotional health. This study explores the causes of domestic violence in families. The study seeks to gain insight into the factors that contribute to domestic violence in families.